Ghampani Movie Review: Lama, also the writer, has presented a simple but adorable story. This love story has a villain and portrays the villain in Kamal Prasad Adhikari (Ankeet Khadka), a policeman (with a star on his uniform) as comical as possible. The film has also shown the social differences between two castes, the mentality of the caste system, the power of the lower-ranking police in the villages, and the unity of the villagers. Although the film is about two alleged upper and lower castes, Ghampani has not wasted time showing and lecturing on ethnic rights. Although Furwa is a school teacher, history has not followed that thread. The dialogues are situational and attract the attention of the public.
- Movie: Ghampani
- Cast: Dayahang Rai, Keki Adhikari and Ankeet Khadka
- Direction: Dipendra Lama
- Type: Love Story
- Duration: 1:50 hr
After a long time, Rai looks cool on screen. From his outfit to the delivery of the dialogue, Rai looks smart and desirable. His performance is effortless. He has managed to look young and compatible with Adhikari as they have been shown to have studied in the same class up to SLC. (ghampani movie review) more
SUMMARY Lama, also the writer, has presented a simple but adorable story. This love story has a villain and portrays the villain in Kamal Prasad Adhikari (Ankeet Khadka), a policeman (with a star on his uniform) as comical as possible. | 4.3 OVERALL SCORE RATING |